
Tree of Knowledge

This Tree of Knowledge was painted on one wall of the principal’s office in Somerville School, Ridgewood, NJ. This tree has four main points to notice: 1. It all starts with the seed. In this case it is an acorn inspired by the quote “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote is written on a seal in the center of the tree/ribbon. Notice the shadow area is a great place to store the extra magnets. 2. The roots of the tree are fingers holding the acorn. There are also roots that represent character traits that students, faculty and staff aspire to in the school. Look for the following traits: Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring, Trustworthiness and Fairness. 3. Symbolic “fruit” in the tree represents the subjects taught in this school. Look for nine circle with symbols showing: Art, Health, Math, Media Center, Music, Physical Education, Reading/Writing Workshop, Science and Social Studies. 4. A magnetic ribbon wraps around the center of the tree. Student work can be easily displayed on this space.