Children's Rooms
Rainbow Castle Kid's Room
This room was more than a mural. We created a working space including storage for materials and tied the room together visually between the sleeping area and the art area.
In this mural, the rainbow slides out from the air vent above the child’s bed, swoops and swirls around the bed area finally ending at a castle in the clouds. These clouds have an undercoat of magnetic paint on which the child can use magnets to hold artwork. The homeowner’s children and friends added butterflies, birds and insects below the rainbow to the painting. Notice the touches of metallic reflective paints around the castle and the butterflies that add a shimmer to the painting. The sun above the castle has a moon painted inside of it with glow in the dark paint so that when the lights are out, the moon glows. The castle windows also glow in the dark. The castle has actual shelves worked into the painting so that the child can have a storage area for art supplies. Notice the light fixture has butterflies and bees. The final piece to notice is that the door to the room. It has been painted with the child’s name and she painted the flowers.